Data Privacy Statement

Data Privacy Statement

General Information

Contact in case of questions regarding data privacy statement of the MAF GmbH


Fon: +49 (0)335 – 387 1963

Fax: +49 (0)335 – 387 1964

Recorded personal data

We collect personal data only upon explicit approval of the person concerned and only for business purpose of the MAF GmbH. A disclosure to third parties does not take place generally respectively only with separate agreement of the person concerned.

Business contacts

 Data of our contacts such as name, telephone number and email address are recorded from customers, potential customers and suppliers.

Visitors of website

When visiting our website some data are recorded due to statistical evaluation of the user access, for example IP address and access country. The data is evaluated via tools; identifiable data will be anonymized after recording.

Purpose of processing / Use

Business contacts

As customer, potential customer or supplier of the MAF GmbH you provide the contact details of the contact person. These data is recorded as customer data set and is exclusively used for business contacts and for order respectively quote related processes. Neither a disclosure of these data takes place nor a statistical evaluation.

Visitors of website

For evaluating the recorded data of our visitors of the website we use the software

Open Source Piwik. A disclosure to third parties does not take place. Piwik applies so-called "cookies" to analyze the user behavior of the persons visiting our website. Via your browser settings or with a phone call at the MAF the users can avoid the recording of information about their behavior.

Period of data storage

Personal data is recorded only as long as required respectively as long as obliged by law. Generally this regulation refers to 10 years of data retention.

The data of the website users are immediately anonymized when recording and are not safed in its pure.

2018 MAF Gmbh Frankfurt (Oder)




Social Media


Microelectronic Assembly Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Straße 24
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)

Phone:  +49 335 3871963
Fax:       +49 335 3871964
